The One Truth: Elevate Your Mind, Unlock Your Power, Heal Your Soul (Jon Gordon) - book cover
Business Culture
  • Publisher : Wiley; 1st edition
  • Published : 27 Jun 2023
  • Pages : 176
  • ISBN-10 : 1119757355
  • ISBN-13 : 9781119757351
  • Language : English

The One Truth: Elevate Your Mind, Unlock Your Power, Heal Your Soul (Jon Gordon)

The One Truth is the One Thing that Explains Everything

The One Truth, by 14x best-selling author and thought leader Jon Gordon, guides you on a path to discover revolutionary insights, ancient truths and practical strategies to elevate your mind, unlock your power and live life to the fullest.

The One Truth is that our state of mind, the thoughts we think, the words we say, the life we live, the power we have and everything we experience is ultimately influenced by oneness and separateness.

As you learn about the unseen forces that lower your state of mind, separate and weaken you and the hidden power that elevates your mind, unites and strengthens you, you'll see life through a new lens, think with more clarity, confidence and act at higher level.

Once you know the One Truth, you'll see how it impacts leadership, teamwork, mindset, performance, relationships, addictions, social media, anxiety, mental health, healing and ultimately determines what you create and experience.

For example, a team that is divided is disconnected and powerless. A team that is united is connected and powerful. The same applies to you. When you feel a sense of oneness, connection, and unity you feel strong. When you feel separate, you feel disconnected and weak.

The truth is, we are not meant to go through life feeling anxious, disconnected, insecure, cluttered, chronically stressed, worried and sad most of the time. We are meant to heal the hole in our soul and become whole. We are meant to live with hope, clarity, power, purpose, and confidence.

The One Truth will show you how!

Readers Top Reviews

lisaKPGenae Kulah
This book gets to the heart of what all other Jon Gordon books hint to. If you want to know the key to better life, he delivers it straight to you. I definitely plan on sharing this one with others. I was already a Jon Gordon fan, but this writing took it next level. 🌟🌟🌟
This is an easy read but by no means simple material. I read the digital copy first and just got my hardcopy today, which will let me go back and read it again and underline and take notes. So helpful in a time where people are struggling with depression, anxiety, fear, uncertainty…in, what Jon Gordon calls, a low state of mind. He gives us the tools to make the shift to a high state of mind. Still working on it, but so encouraged.
Linton West
Jon has been one of my favorite authors for many years! I have read his books multiple times and I can fully attest this is his best book to date! Instant idea generation and ways to apply those concepts abound. Jon makes it simple to undertand the ways to elevate your mind in a world that is trying to tear us apart. Well done Jon! My advice buy one to keep and give one to a friend who is in a tough mind space!
VasVasLinton West
This is definitely my favorite book written by Jon Gordon. He has so many fantastic books (some of my other favorites are The Energy Bus & The Carpenter) but One Truth is my new #1 favorite. Read it with an open-mind & apply the simple applicable tips/exercises he shares & you’ll be impressed with the amazing positive change that it brings you. In simplicity there’s power & Jon does a remarkable job at explaining The One Truth in a simple way while still being powerful & life-changing. I’ll absolutely be reading this book again more than once before the year is over.
Steve ChaquetteVa
Another Jon Gordon masterpiece! This is his finest work yet! This gripping read sheds light on how to elevate your mind and avoid the traps of ego-centric, low state-of-mind thinking. Whether you are in corporate leadership, coaching a team or building healthy relationships, this is a must read! Jon inspires: “You are here for a reason. There is a plan for vour life. You were never meant to be average. You have a desire to be great because deep down you know there is greatness within you.” (pg 35) Jon goes on to tackle subjects such as Separateness versus Oneness; Fear of Change; and overcoming Fear with Love through connection, clarity, confidence and courage. “The One Truth” gives insight to living a better life and revealing the truth behind the inspiration for this spiritual piece leading any reader in search of peace!

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