You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Broadside Books
  • Published : 18 Jul 2023
  • Pages : 352
  • ISBN-10 : 0063304937
  • ISBN-13 : 9780063304932
  • Language : English

You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back

The New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur investigates what would happen if a new financial world order took hold, one in which global elites own everything and you own nothing-and yet you are somehow happy.

When Carol Roth first heard that one of the World Economic Forum's predictions for 2030 was "You will own nothing, and be happy," she thought it was an outlandish fantasy. Then, she researched it. What she found was that a number of businesses, governments, and global elites share a vision of a future that sounds utopian: Everyone will have everything they need, and no one will own anything.

From declines in home and vehicle ownership to global inflation and government spending, many of the trends of modern life reveal that a new world that is emerging-one in which Western citizens, by choice or by circumstance, increasingly do not own possessions or accumulate wealth. It's the perfect economic environment for the rich and powerful to solidify their positions and prevent anyone else from getting ahead.

In You Will Own Nothing¸ Roth reveals how the agendas of Wall Street, world governments, international organizations, socialist activists, and multinational corporations like Blackrock all work together to reduce the power of the dollar and prevent millions of Americans from taking control of their wealth. She shows why owning fewer assets makes you poorer and less free. This book is essential guide to protecting your hard-earned wealth for the coming generations.

Editorial Reviews

"When Wall Street, world governments, and radical activists join forces in the name of ‘saving the planet,' there can only be one goal: they get richer, while everyone else gets poorer. You Will Own Nothing is a well-researched and well-written wakeup call to everyone who wants to make sure that this does not happen." - MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER, founder and president of Environmental Progress and bestselling author of San Fransicko and Apocalypse Never

"If you don't want to lose everything, own nothing, and live on a diet of bugs, then buy Carol Roth's You Will Own Nothing-your battle plan for surviving the war with the new financial world order." - DANA LOESCH, host of the nationally syndicated Dana Show and bestselling author

"When it comes to who really rules the world and what kind of future they are shaping for the rest of us, so many things whispered and dismissed over the years have come into clear and undeniable focus. It's not enough to know what's happening and simply complain. Carol has laid out a plan for how to fight back and win." - CHARLES PAYNE, CEO of Wall Street Strategies and television anchor

Readers Top Reviews

TTSteve Woodruff
So many times I read a book and it’s like a laundry list of grievances and then I am left asking, “Ok, so now what?” My favorite part of this book, bar none, is that Carol not only laid out complex concepts and important issues in an easy to understand way, but she also gave practical solutions for the things that she addressed. It is sound financial advice that leaves you with much more optimism than the title “You Will Own Nothing” would suggest. Buy this book- I can’t recommend it enough!
DeeTTSteve Woodru
I am not your typical reader of anything political or economy related. When I got an opportunity to read an early copy of ‘You Will Own Nothing’ I was curious, but assumed I wouldn’t like it. Boy, was I wrong. Carol Roth has taken deeply complicated topics and not only made them very easy to understand, but also she has shone a light on a bunch of different areas where your freedoms and wealth are being attacked. She set out the path on how things that seemed great could go easily go south. Carol also included a ton of well-respected sources and direct quotes that made her points easy to reference, comprehend and agree with. I am a convert and am telling everyone I know to buy this book today!
Gabriella H.DeeTT
A fitting successor to The War on Small Business is You Will Own Nothing. The author outdid herself again here. Far from conspiratorial, as one reviewer suggested. More like a forewarning of what lies ahead if Americans don't stand up to what Roth dubs the "New Financial World Order." Compelling, thoroughly-researched, and eye-opening. Even as someone who covers ESG, CBDCs, and agriculture, among the topics discussed, I learned a lot of new things. We underestimate corporatists and central planners at our own peril. But their efforts aren't going unnoticed--especially by Roth. Some people won't want you to read this. Don't give them that satisfaction. Get Carol's book, read it, then share it.
I was expecting to learn something new and actionable about fighting back against some of the many things that have happened to most of us over the past few years. Unfortunately, 75% of the book is a regurgitation, reminding us of all the past Fed and government misconduct and mistakes that we have been party too. The solutions the author suggests are the same things that we have been told many times by previous financial experts. If you truly are unaware of what the Fed and the government has done to us, then by all means, read this book. Otherwise, move on, there is nothing to see here.
Carol explains in plain language how the world economy is designed to keep you from reaching your financial goals in life. You will learn why you need to make corrections in your life plan to rise above the forces working to keep you from maintaining or achieving financial security and reward for your hard work. A+ Great read

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