Revenge: How Donald Trump Weaponized the US Department of Justice Against His Critics - book cover
Politics & Government
  • Publisher : Melville House
  • Published : 11 Oct 2022
  • Pages : 320
  • ISBN-10 : 1685890547
  • ISBN-13 : 9781685890544
  • Language : English

Revenge: How Donald Trump Weaponized the US Department of Justice Against His Critics

The man the New York State Attorney General credited with inspiring her prosecution of Donald Trump - New York Times number one bestselling author Michael Cohen - tells the behind-the-scenes story of what can happen to you - and what really happened to him - when a President who believes himself to be above the law decides to go after his critics . . . .

When Michael Cohen's secret payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels on behalf of Donald Trump made Cohen look like a liability to the by-then-President of the United States, the end to their decade-long relationship came swiftly - with a knock on the door from the FBI. Soon, Cohen would find himself imprisoned - even though he had plenty of evidence to show he was innocent of most of the charges.

Meanwhile, with the release of the Steele Dossier, Cohen also found himself battling endless news reports citing the Dossier's claims that he'd had clandestine dealings with Russia - reports that only mounted despite his exoneration by the Mueller Report.

In a story now being echoed in recent breaking news stories about IRS persecution of Trump foes such as former FBI head James Comey and others, Cohen details - in his inimitable blunt language, with absolutely no holds barred and naming names - his attempt to clear his name and tell the truth about Donald Trump. Chillingly, he also makes clear what happens when you try to speak truth to power, and the power knows no bounds.

Editorial Reviews

Praise for Michael Cohen and Revenge: How Donald Trump Weaponized the US Department of Justice Against His Critics . . .

"Michael Cohen has a strong voice in standing up to power and speaking for fairness and justice in the American political and judicial systems. He has seen it all from many angles, and the bumps and bruises have shaped his refreshing, truthful voice." -Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN)

"I know Michael Cohen well enough to vouch for him telling us the truth about Donald Trump." - John Dean, former White House counsel to President Richard Nixon

"Michael Cohen made his amends, and he paid a severe price for it. But that was not good enough for "Individual #1," Donald Trump. He and his DOJ cronies embarked on an ugly campaign of revenge, which Cohen details in this must-read volume." - Norm Eisen, former U.S. ambassador, and co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment and trial of President Donald Trump

"Michael Cohen illustrates that it is never too late to become a truth-teller. He is a parrhessiastes int he true Greek sense of the word - willing to speak truth to power, despite the risk of retaliation by those who would like to see him silenced." -Asha Rangappa, Senior Lecturer at the Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs

"Michael Cohen knows Donald Trump's twisted mind and insatiable lust for dominance better than anyone else. When Cohen writes about Trump we should pay close attention." - David Cay Johnston, author of the New York Times bestseller, The Making of Donald Trump

"Michael Cohen's Revenge is like Michael himself: no b.s., right to the point, and driven by relentless energy to tell America the hard truths about why it's so vital to hold Donald Trump accountable for his crimes in and out of the White House." - Rick Wilson, author of the New York Times bestseller Everything Trump Touches Dies

"Nobody in America exists at the intersection of Donald Trump and the justice system like Michael Cohen does. Cohen's experience as Donald Trump's lawyer, as a defendant in a case tied to Trump's disregard for the law and...

Readers Top Reviews

helchaArno F Konstab
I loved this book. Michael truth's are part of all of us who are victims of Donald Trump's lies and misuse of power. We all need to open our eyes and do something about it.
Michael Cohen pulls no punches. Tells it exactly as he sees it. Can't wait for the reaction to this book. Should make a lot of people who threw him under the bus a little nervous.
Wayne L.
Love Mr. Cohen's perspective. I had hoped this book would have also been available as an audio book. I can imagine how time consuming that would be but sometimes it's difficult for this old veteran too see the words. Loved the words of Mr Cohen!
Incredible insider information about corruption. Michael admits his error, but he sure was targeted for things he didn't do. I believe what he's written, but it's still hard to believe this actually goes on in the US.
diane vick
A must read for a!! who love America!!! An eye opener to the truth about a corrupt, devious, con artist sociopath. Trump is exposed for.his unscrupulous deeds.

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