Balance: Positioning Yourself to Do All Things Well - book cover
Christian Living
  • Publisher : Zondervan
  • Published : 26 Apr 2022
  • Pages : 192
  • ISBN-10 : 0310359813
  • ISBN-13 : 9780310359814
  • Language : English

Balance: Positioning Yourself to Do All Things Well

Imagine learning to tap into the awareness, sensitivity, and highest thought patterns that enable the most successful outcomes in life, love, and business. What would your life look like if you were able to break the patterns of inconsistency that keep you from your absolute best? Could it be possible to identify and regularly access the highest version of yourself, leaving behind past hit-or-miss cycles and instead starting to win in every key area of your life?

These goals are not only possible--they are what you were made for!

In Balance, bestselling author Touré Roberts guides us on the eye-opening journey that unpacks the divine formula that makes this a reality.

This illuminating guide brings a unique and eye-opening perspective to the evasive concept of balance. Transcending familiar theories of work-life balance, Roberts teaches that balance is a state of existence, a becoming that, when realized, not only brings forth the highest version of an individual but optimizes their life's output, productivity, relational value, and overall achievement.

As he unpacks balance with stunning relatability, Roberts connects with readers on every level. His easy-to-grasp style of teaching and unabashed vulnerability illuminate and clarify how living in balance is the longing in each human heart. Roberts shares life-changing personal stories and the principles they inspired while discovering balance in his own life. As an author, speaker, entrepreneur, CEO, and lead pastor of two large congregations in the United States--not to mention a devoted husband and dedicated father of six--Roberts knows that merely juggling responsibilities is not the answer.

Balance departs from traditional techniques of time management and better organization to get to the core issues at stake. Roberts reveals that the path to true balance prioritizes self and discovers the unique, deep internal needs of the individual first. "Identifying your deepest needs not only is life-transforming but brings forth your greatest self, pouring an overflow of your best and highest abilities into the lives of everyone around you," Roberts explains. "Balance is not about learning to effectively give pieces of yourself to important parts of your life. Balance is about knowing and becoming your entire self--and then giving from your wholeness to everyone and everything within the context of your life."

Key chapters include The Power of No, which unpacks why "no" is the most powerful word in your vocabulary; There's No Team in I, a liberating and paradigm-shifting exploration of the difference between being selfish and the transformational quality of a term Roberts coins as being "self-ful"; The 5 Signs of Imbalance, which will help you quickly identify the imbalances in your life and effectively respond before crisis hits; and Balance after The Blow, a step-by-step guide to get you back on your feet after experiencing an unexpected setback. You'll walk away from each illuminating chapter with powerful principles, tools, and prompts for self-evaluation.

A personal navigation guide like no other, Balance charts your path to productivity, peace, positivity, purpose, and unlimited possibilities.

Readers Top Reviews

LALAChristine Chr
This book is more than amazing. I can't even put it into words. When PT, that's what we call him, initially mentioned it and was teaching on messages from it I knew then at that very moment it was something I needed. I'd gone through a lot in the course of the pandemic dealing with tough financial hardships and the loss of my mom, and the level of stress I'd been dealing with I knew I was off track. When he shared the final release date I told him I couldn't wait that long but now I have it. This book has not disappointed me. I'm still reading it but what I've read so far has far beyond exceeded my expectations. My biggest takeaway and aha moment for me was realizing that there's a pecking order to our lives. It's our relationship to God first, then ourselves, family, and whatever else comes after that that we see fit to work in our lives. Prioritization is the KEY word. Knowing what's important. Taking the time to give our souls what it needs to become our highest selves has been big for me. I must add that this book couldn't have come at a much better time in my life while I've been doing my healing work to become whole again. One of my favorite quotes says "The person who will find Balance must learn the discipline of regularly muting life's noise. Employing effective ways of quieting our lives will allow us to tap into the rhythm of the soul which leads us into Balance. Balance is PERFECT for me. And I wholeheartedly think that EVERYONE on this planet can benefit from this book.
CCLALAChristine C
Just started reading and listening with audible and just as I expected, its phenomenal! From the beginning with Sarah reading the forward she wrote, I was drawn in to the teachings of the man that has the heart of the woman leading our delegation. The bruised heels society!!!! yaaasssss
Matthew C. P. Rid
This book is incredible! Balance is the right guide to get you on track with your life goals. Life can be hectic & unpredictable; we’re often feeling overwhelmed & out of motivation. Balance provides realistic assessments & strategies on what we can do to get centered & be whole. One of my favorite passages from the book is “To find Balance, you must learn the discipline of regularly muting life’s noise”. So true! Our lives are filled with notifications, bells & whistles. Striking the right Balance with our daily routines in this tech era is paramount. Another gem is There’s No Team in “I”. That’s a whole word! We have to learn how to self-care so we can be whole & care for others. Being Balanced allows us to be our true & complete selves. Thank you, PT for allowing the Lord to use you to pour into us with this timely work. This is a mighty work that will withstand the test of time. Peace & Blessings back!
Darlene MeyersMat
Toure Roberts is an amazing author who has written the perfect book for this time. The book filled with honest transparency and inspiring words that will truly take the reader to a destination of "Balance". At a time when the world is seeking balance and direction in obtaining purpose, peace and hope, the author delivers a process that will take you on a journey to "Balance". Make sure you have your highlighters ready as the book is filled with quotes you will want to remember. (Perfect Book Club Book)
Danielle SwabyDar
I did not want to stop reading, and I will have to read this again and again. It's a book you want to "chew" on. The principles make you think, and evaluate yourself. PT's words motivate you to take an honest look at yourself, and ask am I my highest self? Am I prioritizing myself enough? Have I even given myself enough rest? My favorite chapter is "balance after the blow." Which talks about getting yourself back together after life hits hard. I highly recommend BALANCE to anyone who is looking to give their best self to themselves and those around them.