Lighter: Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present, and Expand the Future - book cover
Alternative Medicine
  • Publisher : Harmony
  • Published : 04 Oct 2022
  • Pages : 288
  • ISBN-10 : 0593233174
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593233177
  • Language : English

Lighter: Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present, and Expand the Future

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • "An empathetic and wise book that will guide you on a journey toward a deeper understanding of self."-Nedra Glover Tawwab, LCSW, New York Times bestselling author of Set Boundaries, Find Peace
A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection

"During the years when I had abandoned myself, my mind felt undeniably heavy. I knew I needed to find a clear way to help me feel lighter."
yung pueblo's path to deep healing began only after years of drug abuse had taken a toll on his mind and body. Searching for a way forward, he found that by honestly examining and addressing the anxieties and fears that he had been running away from, he no longer felt like a stranger inside of his heart and mind. And once he dedicated himself to meditation and trusting his intuition, he started to finally feel mentally lighter, with more love emerging from within. This was not an easy journey, and it's one that he is still on, but it showed him that real healing is possible.

In Lighter, yung pueblo demonstrates how we can all move forward in our healing, from learning self-compassion to letting go to becoming emotionally mature. As the heaviness falls away, our minds will finally stop feeling overburdened with tension and we'll be able to reconnect with the present. And the world around us will hopefully become more inviting in crisp and newly vibrant ways. But these are just the first steps. As we grow stronger and expand our self-awareness, it's our responsibility-and also part of the healing journey-to take actions to support the health and harmony of all people. The final section of Lighter shows how we can and must contribute to building a world that is no longer structurally harmful but, instead, structurally compassionate. 

yung pueblo's hope is that as more of us heal, our actions will become more intentional, our decisions will become more compassionate, our thinking will become clearer, and the future will become brighter.

Editorial Reviews

"yung pueblo is the real deal-a modern sage and guiding light. In his new book, he beautifully illustrates how finding harmony within is the key to creating a progressive society built on com­passion, clarity, and understanding. This is a book everyone must read, many times over."-Vex King, #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Healing Is the New High

"yung pueblo teaches how to heal with compassion as the driving force. Lighter is an empathetic and wise book that will guide you on a journey toward a deeper understanding of self and help you make impactful changes within and in the world. yung pueblo created a core curriculum on how to heal despite your experi­ences with suffering."-Nedra Glover Tawwab, LCSW, New York Times bestselling author of Set Boundaries, Find Peace

"A beautiful encouragement for tending your own heart: for learning and healing, for finding well-being, and being part of the solution for all you care about."-Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

"To learn of yung pueblo's beginnings in this intimate book is a gift. Lighter helps us understand the daily ways in which his deep­ening practice has impacted an entire generation of seekers. His words leave an indelible mark-his struggle with self-abandon­ment and his personal process of compassionate self-connection have quietly inspired millions of us. yung pueblo's humble, po­tent teachings help us prioritize our emotional maturity in the face of constant change, a vital understanding in these turbulent times."-Elena Brower, bestselling author of Practice You, Being You, and Art of Attention

"yung pueblo offers insight into daily practices and choices that can remove the burdens of habitual reaction to reveal the free­dom of wise reflection. In Lighter, we see that knowing the mind can transform a person, and also transform society."-David Simas, CEO of the Obama Foundation

"Lighter is the story of one man and of all of us as we seek to be­coming...

Readers Top Reviews

Prince SkyFaith Bre
I thought I was gunna blow through this book in 3 days tops because I was so excited for it but it’s actually bigger than I thought! So far absolutely loving it
Nathalia Dela Cruz
I've always been a fan of his post on instagram but ever since he's been releasing books.. it's been a non-negotiable for me because I see these books as tools to help me go through my human experience! I love books that I can read over and over again.
Myra in Carmel, CA
LIGHTER is a wisdom-packed manual meant to support everyone on their journey of healing, personal growth, and expanded self-awareness. Diego Perez—the man behind the pen name, yung pueblo—shares his personal story and struggles as he offers countless helpful insights as well as inspiration and encouragement. LIGHTER is a beautiful and powerful book that was obviously written from the heart. It is a gift to humanity.
Holly H.
I already have his first two books, but this one is my favorite so far if that’s even possible. I like that it actually reads like a book. I have barely cracked it, yet I have gone back into Amazon and twice purchased again the book for two separate people and I’ve had them delivered to their direct addresses as a surprise gift. I love Yung Pueblo‘s insight about the ability to transform the world by beginning with self transformation. He’s the most beautiful writer of our time in my opinion. His words are elegant yet simple for the heart to understand, and he really shines a light on how the world is perfectly positioned for love and healing versus hatred and destruction. I soak up every ounce of his positivity and love. Please keep writing Diego. 🙏🏼🤗❤️
Craving and aversion are the rocks damming the river of our life. No thanks to these heavy mental boulders, we get stuck in a stagnant, tense reservoir of avoidance, reactivity, pleasure -seeking, and control. But when we observe our mind honestly, with unconditional acceptance, we create space between the sediment. Love flows, stones roll away, and we are once again swept away in a healing current. We become the ever-changing river again: lighter, brighter, wiser, and ready to reshape the world. Yung pueblo (Diego Perez) delivers an uplifting message that is simple, clear, and transformative. He writes in plain language and offers unassailable wisdom, at least some of which is guaranteed to prompt meaningful reflection for all readers. Perez's testimony of progress from drug abuse to peace through Vipassana meditation demonstrates that he 'walks the talk' and serves as an inspiring example. It's a meaningful read with the power to help a lot of people. However, steady customers of the personal development section will find little revelation here. Perez offers advice one might expect from a therapist (albeit one with an Eastern bent), and that's great for newcomers to the genre, but veteran spiritual seekers might want to look elsewhere for novel insight.

Short Excerpt Teaser

Chapter 1


When I ask myself what I was addicted to, no particular drug or craving stands out as the one source that led me into darkness. After I stopped the serious drug abuse, I realized that I had been using a mixture of whatever could bring me temporary pleasure to cover up a void in myself that I did not have the courage to face. The void was never satiated or content. Any enjoyment I could experience or attention that people gave me was never enough. It felt like an endless vacuum that could take in the world, spit it out, and still have room to ask for more.

The shift finally came when I stopped throwing pleasure at the problem and started nourishing myself with nonjudgmental and honest attention. The refocusing of my energy into paying attention to all my changing emotions had an immediate effect. Paying attention eased my incessant craving for more pleasure and I stopped feeling so ragged and run-­down.

I was not aware of the term self-­love when my personal journey started, but I certainly used the practice as a critical stepping-­stone. I would not have been able to move forward into a better life without this gentle and accepting attention that I started giving myself. Self-­love was the missing link. It was the key to wholeness that I was unconsciously searching for. I discovered that the appreciation you seek from others will not hold the same rejuvenating power as the appreciation, attention, and kindness you can give yourself.

What Does Self-­Love Mean?

Anything powerful and long-­lasting requires a sturdy foundation. When a home is being constructed, all attention first goes to the foundation that will stabilize the structure. Once that foundation is firmly in place, you can go on to build, expand, and create something magnificent. The evolution of the individual works in a similar manner. Self-­love is the first step that all inner and outer success is based on. Self-­love gives your journey the energy and stability to stay on a clear trajectory. It is a profound commitment to self-­discovery and to making your well-­being a top priority.

Somewhere around 2014 or 2015, a big shift started happening culturally regarding the idea of self-­love. In particular, I noticed that the word began entering the sphere of social media in a big way. I like to think of social media as a forum where humanity talks to itself, and at the time it felt as if we had collectively picked up the word self-­love and started looking at it in different ways, turning it in all directions to get a better sense of its true meaning. Many individuals were asking themselves what self-­love means to them, and at the same time I was going through my own process with the word. I wondered: Is self-­love real? Is it needed? Is this something I can apply in my daily life? Is self-­love different from self-­centeredness? What is the relationship between self-love and healing yourself?

Initially, commercialization surrounded the idea, with mainstream media pushing the belief that you could buy yourself happiness and self-­worth. But this is misleading because it confuses your needs with your cravings. The understanding that self-­love means giving yourself all the things that you want, especially in the material sense, seems fine to a certain extent, but from the experience of many it is clear that material things can only go so far. Treating yourself to small gifts or going on rejuvenating trips can all fall under the umbrella of self-­love, but self-­love should not be confused with materialism. Material things cannot give you complete balance of mind and they cannot fundamentally heal your past. It is easy to go to extremes in trying to find solace in external or material things and end up further fueling the fire of craving that ultimately results in dissatisfaction. Thinking of self-­love only as what you can buy or obtain does not activate its life-changing power.

Others understood self-­love as putting yourself first at all costs. It makes sense that many would embrace this understanding of self-­love because too many of us live our lives for others and fall into cycles of people-­pleasing without taking the time to properly take care of ourselves. However, we run the risk of falling into the trap of ego if we only think of ourselves. Putting ourselves first in all situations can quickly become another type of extreme that disregards the welfare of others and pushes us to become more and more self-­centered. If your ego is growing, then your mind is full of agitation and will have great difficulty seeing reality clearly. If self-­love is supposed to help our lives, then this must not be the right direction.

The understanding of self-­love that makes th...