Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Sixth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, & Food Supplements - book cover
Alternative Medicine
  • Publisher : Avery; Updated edition
  • Published : 28 Mar 2023
  • Pages : 992
  • ISBN-10 : 0593330587
  • ISBN-13 : 9780593330586
  • Language : English

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Sixth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, & Food Supplements

The nation's #1 bestselling guide to natural remedies, totally revised and updated.

This fully revised edition includes both time-honored, proven strategies and the latest science to arm you with the best natural therapies for your health. In this volume-a reference work of unparalleled authority-the updated material includes:
natural ways to lessen the severity of Alzheimer's symptomscutting-edge information about COVID-19 and other viral infections as well as practical ways to help your body cope with acute and long-term symptomsnutritional information on menopause and breast and prostate cancersscience about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FMS) and how you can gain more control over your symptoms    Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Sixth Edition, is the source for accessible, evidence-based information that serves as a guide for using natural nutritional remedies to achieve and maintain wellness.

Readers Top Reviews

I do not understand WHY someone would rate this with 1 star when it only came out TODAY.. When I tried to add my comment, it would not allow it because the book was not released yet. My copy just arrived and OMG, the information is phenomenal! This is a must have in everyone's house. If you ever wanted to know what vitamin/mineral etc. helps with which ailments-this is the Manual! The clinical references and suggested reading alone is priceless. Please do not pay attention to the 1 star rating.. think it was posted here in error. Buy this, you won't be disappointed, you may be over-whelmed, but definitely not disappointed!!!
I have waited for this book for months with much anticipation. It was such a let down to open the package to a bent back with many folded over pages toward the back. I expect another delivery thrown up on porch might end up the same so I guess I need to keep it. I have never posted a poor review. This is just sad.
Becky K JohnsonJe
I use this as a wellness tool. I actually have the first edition, it’s my medical Bible.
NebreiaghBecky K
I remember my parents having an older version of this but I never payed any attention but now that I’m older I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this!
Kathryn Schroeder
i was excited to get this book and it was back ordered for two months .. i was hoping it would be in perfect condition but obviously not. 30$ for a brand new book for it to come to my house like it fell out a backpack.. excited to read it but seriously if it’s going to be thrown around in an amazon truck might as well make the thing hard cover or put more prep into the box it came in. super thin paper pages and cover of the book be careful when looking through the pages!

Short Excerpt Teaser

The body is a complex organism that has the ability to heal itself-if only you listen to it and respond with proper nourishment and care. In spite of all the abuse our bodies endure-whether through exposure to environmental toxins, poor nutrition, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, or inactivity-they still usually serve us well for many years before signs of illness may start to appear. Even then, with a little help, they respond and continue to function. It is key to keep our immune systems up and running properly both to facilitate healing and to deal with new threats that develop, like the coronavirus.

The human body is the greatest machine on earth. Nerve signals travel through muscles at speeds as fast as 200 miles per hour. The brain puts out enough electric power to light a 60-watt lightbulb. If your leg muscles moved as fast as your eye muscles, you could walk over fifty miles in one day. According to scientists, bone is among the strongest building materials known to humankind.

Think of your body as being composed of millions of tiny little engines. Some of these engines work in unison; some work independently. All are on call twenty-four hours a day. In order for the engines to work properly, they require specific fuels. If the type of fuel given is the wrong blend, the engine will not perform to its maximum capacity. If the fuel is of a poor grade, the engine may sputter, hesitate, and lose power. If the engine is given no fuel at all, it will stop.
The fuel we give our bodies' engines comes directly from the things we consume. The foods we eat contain nutrients. These nutrients come in the form of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. It is these nutrients that sustain life by providing us with the basic materials our bodies need to carry on their daily functions.

Individual nutrients differ in form and function, and in the amount needed by the body; however, they are all vital to our health. The actions that involve nutrients take place on microscopic levels, and the specific processes differ greatly. Nutrients are involved in all body processes, from combating infection to repairing tissue to thinking. Although nutrients have different specific functions, their common function is to keep us going.

Research has shown that each part of the body contains high concentrations of certain nutrients. A deficiency of those nutrients will cause the body part to malfunction and eventually break down-and, like dominoes, other body parts will follow. To keep this from happening, we need a proper diet and appropriate nutritional supplements. Brain function, memory, skin elasticity, eyesight, energy, the ratio of lean to fat tissue in the body, and overall health are all indications of how well the body is functioning. With the help of the proper nutrients, exercise, and a balanced diet, we can slow the aging process and greatly improve our chances for a healthier, pain-free-and possibly longer-life.

If we do not give ourselves the proper nutrients, we can impair the body's normal functions and cause ourselves great harm. Even if we show no signs of illness, we may not necessarily be healthy. It simply may be that we are not yet exhibiting any overt symptoms of illness. One problem most of us have is that we do not get the nutrients we need from our diets because most of the foods we consume are cooked and/or processed. Cooking food at high temperatures and conventional food processing destroy vital nutrients the body needs to function properly. The organic raw foods that supply these elements are largely missing from today's diet.

The past decade has brought to light much new knowledge about nutrition and its effects on the body, and the role it plays in disease. Phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients, are one example of the results of this research.

Phytochemicals are compounds present in plants that make the plants biologically active. All fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals. However, since few people eat enough fruits and vegetables to get the optimum amount of phytochemicals from diet alone, supplementation is recommended. Phytochemicals are not nutrients in the classic sense, but they determine a plant's color, flavor, and ability to resist disease. Researchers have identified literally thousands of phytochemicals and also have developed the technology to extract these chemical compounds and concentrate them into pills, powders, and capsules. These products are included under the term "nutraceuticals." The FDA uses the term "dietary supplement" to define natural compounds like phytochemicals.

Your body's nutritional needs are as unique to you as your appearance is. The first essential step toward wellness is to be sure...